Gear up!

If you have followed these posts, you now know so much about ​Fitness After 40​. You know that through mobility we can live longer and happier. I’ve given you endless tips on exercise, nutrition, and even some positive inspiration to help you F.A.C.E. your future. You didn’t think I’d I let you go without first giving some fashion advice, did you?

I will not let you add “nothing to wear” to the list of excuses to not exercise, which is why the last chapter of Fitness After 40, Second Edition, is all about proper exercise equipment.

If the shoe fits…

Every girl knows that shoes matter. Just ask Cinderella! I’m not here to argue that. A good pair of shoes (and a sports bra, if you’re a woman) is really all you need to get started.

Before you hop off the couch and grab your old workout shoes from decades past, think again. This is not how you put your best foot forward. Follow these tips on finding the right pair of shoes:

  • Skip the department store and go to a specialty sports store. Your feet change considerably as you age, so it is important to have a knowledgeable clerk measure both of your feet while standing!
  • Make sure your shoe matches your activity. Running shoes are not going to give you the correct support if you plan on playing tennis or basketball in them.
  • Only wear your exercise shoes when you exercise.
  • Runners and walkers should replace shoes every 300-500 miles, and everyone else should replace shoes once a year.

Yes, good shoes are the most important gear, but you also need to consider…

  • A sports bra. There are many styles, and whatever you choose should not just “hold you down,” but it should support your figure. Jog in place and move around when you shop for a sports bra to make sure it does not dig in or bind you.
  • Silicone-based ointment can prevent any chafing wherever you may experience it.
  • Your workout clothes should not be too loose or tight and you should dress to stay cool. Don’t let your clothes hold you back!

To gym, or not to gym…

That is the question for many people. You do not need a gym to exercise, but the social aspect and having a place free of distractions helps many people stay motivated. Staying motivated may also be easier for some by choosing to have a personal trainer. Chapter 15 of Fitness After 40 will tell you everything you need to consider when deciding on a gym or personal trainer if you think that will help you stay on track.

There’s an app for that.
While you don’t have to look like Inspector Gadget or invest in a mobile lab to stay on track, some of the fitness devices available today are really great ways to monitor your health. Perhaps you will make one of these gadgets a reward for achieving one of your goals, and then you can use it to achieve your next goal!

Whatever you chose to do, make sure your gear and surroundings are supportive of your mission. For a full guide to gearing up, check out the final chapter of Fitness After 40, Second Edition! It is the one last chunk of information you will need before F.A.C.E.-ing your future.

Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey toward Fitness After 40! I hope you are as excited as I am and would love to hear from you via my websiteFacebook, or Twitter.

Best of luck to all!

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