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Explore Wellness Books By Vonda Wright, MD


Dr. Vonda Wright is an accomplished author whose work provides practical, science-backed guidance for anyone seeking to live an active, vibrant, and healthy life at every age. With her unique ability to translate her insights as a surgeon and a woman into relatable and actionable advice, her books serve as essential guides for optimizing health and unlocking the full potential of longevity.

Whether you're looking to regain youthful vitality, stay strong and agile as you grow older, or create a harmonious balance between body, mind, and emotions, Dr. Wright’s expertise offers the tools, motivation, and confidence to thrive.

Dr. Vonda Wright, orthopedic author and speaker specializing in joint health in Orlando, FL.

Packed with research-based facts and written as if you were sitting across from the fitness author and expert in her office, Dr. Wright’s books and blogs bring you face to face with great information to MOVE you to the Best in Life!

Younger In 8 Weeks Cover

The Comprehensive Anti-Aging Plan Shown to Renew Your DNA and Reverse Signs of Aging!

Younger in 8 Weeks is a breakthrough plan that provides a holistic, step-by-step guide to reversing the effects of aging at the cellular level. Brought to you by the experts at Prevention, this groundbreaking program harnesses the latest discoveries to turn back the clock on the aging process so that everything from your hair to your heart to your hips looks and feels younger, stronger, fresher, and healthier.

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Fitness After 40:
Your Strong Body at 40, 50, 60, and Beyond

As we age, our bodies change--but that doesn't have to impact our fitness level. We may not be teenagers anymore, but if we exercise smarter, we can remain youthful, energetic, and strong. Dr. Vonda Wright is the creator of a unique exercise program tailored to the needs of mature athletes. In Fitness After 40, you will learn how to:

  • Understand your body, and approach exercise in a new way
  • Maximize your fitness while minimizing injury
  • Gain flexibility
  • Benefit from aerobic exercise
  • Build strength through resistance training
  • Improve balance
  • And much more.

Now in its second edition, the book includes targeted "20 Minutes to Burn" workouts, a 6-week total-body plan, and new information on nutrition, injury prevention, joint preservation, the mind/body connection, and more. Whatever your age or activity level, Fitness After 40 will get you motivated, get you moving... And feeling better than ever.

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Guide To Thrive Cover
Guide To Thrive Cover

Guide to THRIVE:
4 Steps to Body, Brains and Bliss

Dr. Wright unfolds her Guide to Thrive by preparing readers for six remarkable months of body, brains, and bliss transformation, using her framework of the four practical steps. As a scientist and physician, Dr. Wright backs up each step with the latest science about the vital connections between the physical body, the mind, and emotional health and equips readers to move, eat, think, and feel in order to thrive. Additionally, readers are invited to join Dr. Wright's online fitness and nutrition club where they can enter their own health data and receive instant interactive information and encouragement.

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Fitness After 40:
How to Stay Strong at Any Age

After we reach a certain age, our bodies change. But growing older doesn't have to diminish our fitness level. The good news is that not only can we retain the vigor of our youth, but we can actually perform as well, if not better, than ever. Dr. Vonda Wright is the creator of a unique medical program specifically designed to target the fitness and performance needs of mature athletes. In Fitness After 40, she shows readers how to use flexibility, aerobic exercise, and strength training to maximize the benefits of their fitness regime. Complete with a nutrition plan and an exercise program for older athletes, Fitness After 40 will help everyone regain the energy of their youth and look and feel better than ever

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Fitness After 40
Cover of Raising a Healthy Young Athlete

Raising a Healthy Youth Athlete

Kids are worth it...we can do better! Millions of kids play sports growing up. In the process, they learn lessons and develop physical and mental resilience they carry with them throughout their lives. Millions of kids, however, quit sports due to overuse, injury, and burnout, as well as the fact that sports just aren’t fun anymore. How do we, as parents, coaches, and clinicians, do better? The health, joy, relationships, and even memories built through a lifetime of play and sports participation sets a pathway for personal and professional success in everyone―from the mere mortal talking about their heroic feats in high school sports to the superstar pros we all look to as models of physical prowess.

In their book Raising a Healthy Youth Athlete, nationally recognized orthopaedic sports surgeons, team doctors, prolific authors, and educators Drs. Vonda Wright and Mark Miller share their collective career experiences in caring for young athletes. This thorough, compelling roadmap details the latest in science-backed recommendations in training, physical and mental resilience, nutrition, and recovery, as well as provides a deep dive reference for injury identification, prevention, and treatment.

It is a helpful reference for anyone who cares for young athletes and can serve as a way to initiate meaningful conversations with clinicians on your sidelines. For everyone raising, caring for, or coaching youth athletes, Raising a Healthy Youth Athlete is a must-have reference.

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Masterful Care of the Aging Athlete: A Clinical Guide

This unique text focuses exclusively on the ever-growing population of aging and masters athletes, both professional and amateur, presenting both operative and nonoperative management strategies for the range of sports-related injuries. The book is thematically divided into three sections. Part I describes the science of musculoskeletal aging and the benefits of remaining active as we age, including proper nutrition, supplements and medical therapies and adjuvants. Injuries common to the masters athlete are presented in part II, from the upper and lower extremities to the hips and spine, with special considerations for these injuries and treatments noted. Recommendations for how to thrive as a masters athlete comprise the final section, including return to sport, injury prevention and exercise as medicine.

An ideal resource for clinicians who treat active adults who won't slow down, Masterful Care of the Aging Athlete is a compilation of clinical, technical and research approaches aimed at keeping active people moving, returning them to sport rapidly and durably and protecting them from a sedentary lifestyle.

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Cover of the Againg Athlete


As an orthopedic surgeon, I treat patients of all ages and skill levels with activity-related musculoskeletal injuries. I'm also an active researcher on a variety of topics in my field.

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I have been sought out for insights on bringing ideation to execution, building innovation into the fabric of work environments, and creating messaging around thought leadership.

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Drawing from more than 20 years of experience, I couple a clinical and research pedigree with my love of teaching to educate, inspire, motivate and entertain.

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Optimize Aging with Dr. Vonda Wright

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