Our bodies are designed to MOVE! Our bodies are built with form and function in mind. We have powerful legs to propel us forward and our buttocks that are intended to slow down momentum and keep us upright. How far will you go to thrive?
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As adults in our 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond, we are unique. Although we can’t just run out the door and play hard like kids, we can still Powerplay and have smart, intense, and fun workouts.
With Powerplay, we focus on the four components of fitness that every adult needs:
F.A.C.E., or Flexibility, Aerobics, Carrying a Load, and Equilibrium/Balance.
Flexibility Facts
As we get older, our muscles and tendons naturally become shorter, which leads to abnormal muscle firing, decreased range of motion, and really increases our chances of injury. We can prevent these changes by stretching every day. Stretching can be quick and easy, and doesn’t have to be something that you go to the gym for. Stretches should be done after your Aerobic or Carry a Load circuits.
When you stretch, you want to make sure that you are warmed up and that your muscles are supple. Stretching should feel like a gentle pulling, and there shouldn’t be sharp pain. You should hold your stretches for 30 seconds without bouncing. Toward the end you will feel you muscle relax, which will give you more of a stretch.
Aerobic Exercise
Studies have found that to prevent and treat high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and central obesity, fast bursts of high intensity aerobic exercise followed by short rest periods are far more effective than continuous moderate intensity exercise.
As you work out, you should try to increase the time and intensity of your aerobic exercise. Start with 10 minutes of dynamic warm-up, then perform 25-30 minutes of aerobic intensity training, followed by 10 minutes of cool down. The aerobic period should include 3-4 minutes of exercise at 90% followed by 2 minutes of recovery at 70%.
Carrying a Load
Carrying a load means using resistance training, but not weight training. Resistance training mimics your body’s own movement, because in life, your body doesn’t sit statically and simply push weigh in one direction.
Using TBT circuits allows you to harness the power of gravity to push back every time you land and to build power through 3 planes of motion.
After the age of 25 the connections between out brains and muscles become less accurate. Luckily, with a small amount of daily attention, we can retrain our neuromuscular pathways. Maintaining balance is important for maximizing performance, minimizing injury, and avoiding possibly devastating falls.
How do you know if your balance stinks? Do a balance test:
In a safe place, engage your core and stand on one foot. If you balance is adequate, you should be able to hold this position for 22 seconds without tipping over.
What is your balance age?
22 second= 20 years old
15 seconds= 30 years old
7.2 seconds= 40 years old
3.7 seconds= 50 years old
Less than 2 seconds= 60 years old
For all of the TBT F.A.C.E. circuits, turn to Chapter 10: How F.A.R. Can You Go? of Dr. Vonda Wright’s book Guide to Thrive. In that chapter you will find tons of valuable information on Flexibility, Aerobics, Carrying a Load, and Equilibrium/Balance, plus you will learn the importance of EAT-ing to THRIVE, learn about the Glycemic Index, protein, carbs, and fat!
Dr. Vonda Wright on Twitter and Instagram @DrVondaWright
Watch the HOT for Your Health video podcast for more motivation from our Women’s Health Conversations experts!