t’s resolution time again!  Every January we think ahead with excitement about all the promise of the New Year.  The beauty of the New Year is that anything can happen.  You have a clean slate to live the life you’ve imagined!

This is the year you THRIVE!

Most of my patients know they want to be healthy but are surrounded by confusing and contradicting information about their health.    What are we to believe? In addition, we are great at planning every aspect of their lives except our health.

Living a fabulous life with  the best Body | Brains |Bliss doesn’t have to be confusing or out of reach!  These are the best years of your life!  No matter what stage of life you are in, you can make this year the beginning of your best years.  No one wants to just get by or merely survive another day.  The reality is, that’s where we can find ourselves if we are not purposeful about how we are living.  No matter how great your resolutions are, living healthy, vital, joyful and THRIVE-ing lives is an active and intentional process!

Over the next 13 weeks I’m going to talk about my 4 practical steps for THRIVE-ing in 2013!  In my last book, Dr. Vonda Wright’s Guide to THRIVE: 4 steps to Body, Brains and Bliss, I talk all about jumpstarting the best of your remarkable life using my 4 step plan to create A Vision for your health, to take Action with great MOVES and EAT-ing tips, change your Attitude (and recognize the links between mind and body) and measure your Achievement to live the best years now.

I promise…no lectures!  Only stimulating conversations and practical advice for real-life action tactics I’ve learned as a surgeon, scientist, sports doc, thinker, businesswoman, athlete, mother and head of a household.

By investing each day in the “Guide to Thrive” plan, you  will:

  • Create A Vision for your future: “What do you really want and where are you going?”
  • Take Action by MOVE-ing through the THRIVE 6 month total body fitness program
  • Take Action by EAT-ing smart and learning simple steps to total body nutrition
  • Learn about the science of the Body/Brain/Bliss connection
  • THINK and FEEL your way to changing your Attitude for a better Brain and more Bliss
  • Become healthy, vital, active, joyful and THRIVE-ing

Creating A Vision, Taking Action, Changing your Attitude and measuring your Achievement are the first 4 steps to living the best of life!

This is the year you THRIVE!

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” Eleanor Roosevelt

Watch every FRIDAY for my new blog !

THRIVE Week 1: Creating A Vision- The Substance Behind Your Dreams

THRIVE Week 2: Prepare to take Action- Become an expert on YOURSELF

THRIVE Week 3: Prepare your Attitude- Build a better Brain

THRIVE Week 4: Prepare to Achieve- See the Big Picture

THRIVE Week 5: What does A Vision of THRIVE-ing look like to YOU?

THRIVE Week 6: Take Action- Make the First MOVE- Build a better Body

THRIVE Week 7: Change your Attitude- Living Smarter for Brains and Bliss

THRIVE Week 8: Achieve!- Your just rewards

THRIVE Week 9: A Vision- Your bright future

THRIVE Week 10: Act Now!- How F.A.R. can you go?

THRIVE Week 11:  An Attitude for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

THRIVE Week 12:  Achieve!- Let me see you Swagger!

THRIVE Week 13: This is the Year I THRIVE!

Dr. Vonda Wright The Mobility Doctor, is one of only a few female Orthopaedic surgeons in the country. She specializes in sports medicine and in the powerful and growing population of athletes over 40. She is the author of  Fitness After 40: How to Stay Strong at Any Age and Dr. Vonda Wright’s Guide to Thrive: Four Steps to Body, Brains, and Bliss , which inspired her THRIVE fitness product line sold nationwide. She is a captivating guest speaker and regular guest on Dr. Oz with additional appearances on ABC, NBC, CNN, and The Doctors.

Follow her on Twitter @DrVondaWright or via www.vondawright.com